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Crownnote is where music fans share their favorite songs.

How points are calculated on Crownnote charts and the Crown 100

Songs on Crownnote charts receive points based on their chart position. The higher (or closer to #1) a song appears on a chart, the more points it receives.

Points on personal charts

On a standard personal chart (a chart with a Chart Type of Weekly), the following formula is used, rounded to the nearest whole number:


Using this formula, the #1 song on the chart earns 10,000 points. #2 receives 7,071, #3 receives 5,774, and so on.

Charts with a Chart Type of Daily receive fewer points than a standard chart. (The number of Daily charts posted by the same user in the same week does not impact the number of points songs on those charts receive, but it assumes that they are posting seven charts, one per day.) The standard formula is divided by 7, then rounded to the nearest whole number:


Thus, the #1 song on a daily chart earns 1,429 points. #2 receives 1,010 points, #3 receives 825 points, and so on.

Note that if more than one chart is submitted with a Weekly Chart Type within the same Crown 100 chart week (Sunday–Saturday), their Chart Type values may be edited to prevent users with multiple charts from unfairly inflating the point totals of songs on their charts.

Charts with a No Points Chart Type can be used for manually-ranked year-end or all-time charts, ranked songs by one particular artist, or personal re-rankings of other charts like the Billboard Hot 100, as a few examples. As the name suggests, these charts contribute zero points for the songs that they include.

Calculating the Crown 100

The Crown 100 is Crownnote's flagship composite chart, tabulating the most popular songs on Crownnote users' charts each week.

The point totals that songs receive from appearing on users' charts influence the Crown 100. Charts posted with a date between Sunday and the next Saturday contribute points toward the following Monday's Crown 100 chart. (For example, a Crown 100 chart dated Monday, February 15 will include data from charts posted with a date between Sunday, February 7 and Saturday, February 13.) The song that accumulates the most points on users' charts is #1 on the following Crown 100 chart.

Personal charts backdated after the Crown 100 that would correspond with its date will not be included in that or any future Crown 100 chart.

Only the most popular version of any song is eligible to appear on an individual Crown 100 chart, though that version can change from week to week. Points from unintentional duplicate songs posted on Crownnote are combined into one record, as are—this list is inclusive, but not limiting—live recordings, acoustic or other alternate versions, remixes, and re-recordings in different languages. If one version appears on a Crown 100 chart and another version later outranks it in popularity while accumulating enough points to rank on the Crown 100, the other version will be included on that Crown 100 chart. Previous weeks' Crown 100 charts are not updated to reflect song versions' changes in popularity over time.

Songs do not receive any additional points on Crownnote as a result of their appearance on Crown 100 charts.

Rankings on the Crown 100 will only be recalculated and revised in the event of technical error or omission.