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Crownnote is where music fans share their favorite songs.

How to create a chart

Charts are the cornerstone of Crownnote, allowing users to share their favorite music with their followers and friends. To create a chart, log into your account and select the Add Chart link from the toolbar at the top of any page.

Adding a title, intro content, and chart items

On the chart creation page, add a title and (optionally) some intro content that will appear before your chart. Then, enter your Chart Items: the music that will appear on your chart. Chart Items include a chart position (#1 being the top of the chart) and a song. Enter the name of your song, and an autocomplete feature will suggest songs that are on Crownnote.

If a song, album, and/or artist do not appear in the autocomplete feature's suggestions, it is either because there are too many suggestions that match the entered title, or because the song is not yet on Crownnote. If there are too many suggestions—which is most likely to happen for short, common song titles—use the Advanced song(s) selection button to perform a more detailed search (see below for more details). If there are no suggestions, use the provided links to add the song, albums, and/or artists that are missing.

To add more items to your chart, use the Add another item button. The proceeding chart position will automatically be filled in. Songs can be reordered by using the drag-and-drop controls, but their position will not change. When saving the chart, if chart items are not listed in numerical order, they will be reordered so that the chart item with the #1 position is the first item, #2 follows it, etc.

If you plan to add chart items using a spreadsheet import instead of manually entering them, you can skip the Chart Items field entirely and save the chart after you've filled out other information, including a Chart ID in the Metadata section. On the chart's public page, you'll see instructions to import your spreadsheet.

Advanced song(s) selection

To more quickly filter through and select multiple songs to add to your chart, and to more easily select songs with short titles that won't appear via autocomplete suggestions, use the Advanced song(s) selection option. Pressing the button when adding or editing a chart will open a pop-up window with a filterable song list. Enter a song title to filter results, then check the boxes next to any songs you want to add. After checking boxes for songs you want to add, press the Select song(s) button at the bottom of the pop-up window. A list of all the songs on the chart will appear in a preview below the button. Press Use selected song(s) to add the new items to your chart, at which point you will return to the original add-chart form with the new items included. Make any further adjustments to chart items' positions as needed before saving the chart.

Chart metadata

All charts need two pieces of metadata: a Date and a Chart Type. To help with importing chart items, you can also add a Chart ID that matches the ID in the spreadsheet you plan to import. These details are added in the Metadata section when adding a chart.

The Date of the chart is the date when the chart should be recorded. Most commonly, this is the current date, but some Crownnote users prefer to post all their charts on the same day of the week, and may post it to Crownnote before or after that date. This also allows you to backdate older charts. This date is what determines how your chart contributes to the Crown 100: if your chart is posted before that chart week's Crown 100 has already been posted, its points will count toward the next Monday's chart.

The Chart Type is selected based on the type or frequency of your chart, and determines how many points each song receives. Most users post one chart per week, so by default, charts use the Weekly Chart Type. Users who post more than one chart in the same week should select the Daily Chart Type for each chart in that week. For manually-created month- or year-end recap charts and other specialized charts, use the No Points Chart Type.

If you are importing chart items from a spreadsheet instead of manually entering chart items, include a Chart ID that matches the Chart ID column of your to-be-imported spreadsheet. This should be unique to ensure your data uploads to the correct chart, so consider a format such as Chart date (MMDDYYYY), hyphen, your username (all lowercase), e.g. 021416-kurt. After saving the chart, follow the prompt on the chart's page to import the chart data.

Replicating charts

In order to speed up chart creation, you can replicate an existing chart you have already posted and edit the new chart before publishing.

From the chart page that you want to copy, select the Replicate tab at the top of the page. A confirmation screen will appear, allowing you to enter a new title, date, and Chart ID. (Each is auto-filled: the title appends "(Copy)" to the original, the date jumps a week ahead of the original chart date, and the Chart ID adjusts the original to ensure it stays unique.)

After confirming the new metadata, the chart will save but remain unpublished. Edit the rest of your chart information (chart items, intro text, and any other edits needed), then check the Published box before saving it to ensure it appears publicly on your profile.