Share what you've been listening to with fellow music fans
Crownnote is where music fans share their favorite songs. Easily create personal charts, discover new music, and get data about what's on your charts.
Share your favorite songs
You know you have great taste in music. Now share it with the world by creating a chart: a ranked list of your favorite songs right now. Add as few or as many songs as you'd like – it's up to you. Build your chart by adding songs one by one — or import data from a spreadsheet, your scrobbles, or your Spotify history.
Music discovery, thanks to other fans
These songs and more are currently at the top of Crownnote members' charts.
Follow other music fans for a feed of recommendations hand-picked by listeners with similar taste. You'll also get your own up-to-the-minute leaderboard, surfacing the hottest songs climbing charts created by the users you follow.
Look back with Leaderboards
Build a history of your musical preferences from your charts. Personalized leaderboards automatically provide reports of your top songs. Your chart data makes it simple to get the soundtrack for your life.
Count down to the crown
The Crown 100 is a weekly countdown of Crownnote's favorite music, as determined by your charts. By creating a new chart every week, you give points to the songs you love. Who will take the crown?
“What music have you been listening to?”
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